Literature Evangelist Seminar in Latvia
RIGA, LATVIA [ANR] Fifty-four Literature Evangelists (colporteurs) from Latvia and Estonia met together in Riga, 8-10 February, where the headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Baltic region (BAUC) hosted a Literature Evangelist’s seminar. The lecturers were John Arthur, Publishing Director, for the Seventh-day Adventist Church headquarters in the Trans-Europe region and Bill Beckworth, Publishing Director, for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South East of the United States.
Seminar attendees covered many subjects, including selling methods, problems and solutions; shared their experiences and expressed their admiration about the way God has led them in selling books.
John Arthur informed colporteurs how this work is progressing in other countries in the Trans-Europe region. He says, “Last year for the first time in the history of our church the first literature evangelist started selling Adventist books in Israel; previously that was not possible. Times are changing and we need to use these changes for the cause of God.”
Arthur continued, “Colporteurs in Poland are using leaflets to promote our books. These leaflets are dropped into mailboxes and the Polish publishing department representatives say that on average for every 22 leaflets one book is sold. Norway also has an interesting way of selling books. In summer, black students come to Norway during school holidays and work as colporteurs. The Publishing department gives each colporteur a scooter and they go around selling Adventist books.” John Arthur shared his vision that next summer one literature evangelist from the Baltic countries also, could go to Norway.
A similar seminar was organized in Kaunas, Lithuania, 12-13 February, with twelve literature evangelists attending.
In Lithuania during 2003, seven literature evangelists sold 3018 books. In Latvia during 2003, nine literature evangelists sold 6344 books and as a result ten people became Christians and were baptized. In Estonia during 2003, seven literature evangelists sold 1409 books and as a result three people were baptized.
Zigurds Laudurgs / Guntis Bukalders / ANR