Baltic Union Active in Soul Winning
RIGA, LATVIA [ANR] — At the Session, which took place in the Riga Central Seventh-day Adventist Church from 4-6 June, 60 delegates came together from Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania to elect the leadership and executive committee for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Baltic region. Official representatives from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-Europe region (TED) were, chairperson: Dr Bertil Wiklander, President and Orville Woolford, Field Secretary. The theme for the Session was “Active in sharing our Faith”.
The Administration and Departmental Directors, in summarising the main events and trends in the work of the church over the last five years reported 1245 baptisms; 9 new churches; 140 new small groups and 1400 lay people committed to evangelism. “These reports indicate foundations on which good future growth could be anticipated in this Union,” says Woolford. Tithe has increased significantly and the financial situation of the union is very stable thanks to good management. Much progress has been made in the education of pastors thanks to the Newbold College extension programme (PEP).
The session, which was conducted in a very good spirit, re-elected as its officers: Valdis Zilgalvis, President, Andrijs Arins, Secretary and Zigurds Laudurgs, Treasurer. Some constitutional changes were made in order to adapt the text to government regulations and the plans committee presented to the delegation several interesting proposals.
Orville Woolford, who spoke at the Friday evening meeting about ‘our role as ambassadors for Christ’ said, “It is inspiring to hear delegates challenged under the theme of the session, to move forward from being ‘observers to witnesses’ for Christ.”
“This session,” says Wiklander, “was a confirmation that the church in the Baltic Union, confident under its current leadership, are very active in winning many souls for Christ. In so many ways the word “consolidation” seems appropriate for the church at this time. This applies in various areas such as membership growth, the growing quality of the financial management, and in the development of pastors’ education through the PEP. I have thoroughly enjoyed and been deeply blessed by this session. God has blessed his church and will continue to do so.
B.Wiklander and O.Woolford |
B.Wiklander, O.Wooford, V.Zilgalvis |
Constituency Meeting Delegates from Estonia |
Constituency Meeting Delegates from Latvia |
Constituency Meeting Delegates from Lithuania |
Constituency Meeting Delegates |
Newly Elected Ministers |
Session closing worship meeting/td> |
Bertil Wiklander/Beverly Coysten/ANR