New Baltic Union Conference leadership elected
Riga, Latvia. 58 delegates chosen by Estonian and Latvian Conference boards and Lithuanian Mission Field board met in Riga, Latvia, to listen to the Baltic Union Conference (BAUC) leader reports and to elect new BAUC leaders for te next quinquennium. Delegates voted and elected BAUC president — Valdis Zilgalvis, secretary — Andrejs Āriņš, treasuer — Zigurds Laudurgs.
Delegates also chose new BAUC department leaders:
- Andrejs Āriņš — Adventist Mission and Ministerial Association department
- David Nõmmik — Education department
- Gedrius Rimša — Youth department
- Guntis Bukalders — ADRA co-ordinator, Health ministries and Communication department
- Ruta Zilgalve — Women’s Ministries, Children’s Ministries and Shepherdess International departments
- Tālivaldis Vilnis — Personal Ministries and Sabbath School departments
- Valda Reķe — Family Ministries department
- Valdis Zilgalvis — Religious Liberty and Public Affairs departments
- Zigurds Laudurgs — Publishing and Stewardship departments
Constituency delegates also accepted objectives for the next quinquennium. According too this plan union will plan its work into four areas: evangelism, ministry, education and communications.
Delegates of the Constituency meeting accepted proposal to increase membership of the BAUC Executive Committee up to 13 persons. Delegates elected new Executive Committee: Baltic Union Conference president Valdis Zilgalvis, BAUC secretary Andrejs Arins, BAUC treasurer Zigurds Laudurgs, Estonian Conference president Tõnu Jugar, Latvian Conference president Viesturs Rekis, Lithuanian Field president Bertold V. Hibner, and also Leonids Pacukevics, Dzintars Vaivods, Vilnis Latgalis, David Nõmmik, Averonik Beekman, Šarune Rimšiene, Ruta Ardzevanidze.
Delegates took into account explanation of the Lithuanian Mission Field’s president B.Hibner about the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and the government policy conserning religious organisations, and on the basis of good will to improve relationships with the Lithuania state decided to rename Lithuanian Mission Field to Lithuania Field.
Delegates also elected of Seventh-Day Adventist Lithuanian Field President – Bertold Hibner, Treasurer – Deividas Vanagas, Secretary’s place was left vacanct.
“Constituency proved that it’s possible for four nations to work together to proclaim the Gospel message,” reflecting what’s been reported in the Baltic Union Conference Constituency meeting said newly elected union president Valdis Zilgalvis. “We are thankful to God and every church member for their work and involvement during last five years. God has blessed our efforts with His presence, help and resources in a wonderful way. He has listened prayers of pastors and church leaders. I am thankful to God for the spirit of fellowship among union staff. My prayer is that God would keep and strengthen His church during hard times which are ahead now.”
About the Baltic Union Conference: BAUC was estabilshed in 1924 and existed until 1936, when under the pressure of the state’s church it was liquidated. Baltic Union Conference was re-established in 1989 and in 1994 returned to its historical “home” — Trans-European Division. Currently BAUC comprises of Estonian and Latvian Conferences and Lithuanian Field, uniting 88 Adventist churches with almost 6500 members in three Baltic countries.
Guntis Bukalders,
Baltic Union Conference Communication Director