News From Lithuania
LITHUANIA. First of all we are happy with our colporteurs work in Lithuania. During January and February of this year our colporteurs increased book sails for more than 300 percent. We are establishing new branches of ABC in our congregations. More and more people are involved in this blessed work.
Very important work now is to prepare the way for church registration in national level. Lithuanian Mission committee asked B. Hibner, the Secretary-Treasurer, and K. Page the Secretary of Ministerial Association to be responsible for this work. The Parliament issued the law according which Department of Justice has to register all denominations in Lithuania.
Evangelistic meetings are held in Kaunas, Garliava. In 1996 we are planning to hold evangelistic meetings in 10 more cities. Kaunas is waiting students from Newbold. They will make an evangelistic seminar. We hope that it will strengthen evangelistic work in Kaunas. Taurage’s congregation want to show video films on TV in their region. We hope it will be another kind of evangelist work approaches.
A good news have come from TED. They decided to provide funds for church building in Kaunas. ‘This is going to be a Mission Center of Adventists in Lithuania. We have already found the building which can be used for that purpose. But the price of this building is $320.000. However, we have hope to find another part of money. We still don’t have any church buildings in Lithuania. Because of that suffer all our congregations.
Our Publishing House in Kaunas has prepared a condensed translation of book “The Desire of Ages”. We are looking for paper for printing of this book. Also other books are almost ready for printing from the series of “Controversy Of Ages”.
We are going to register ADRA department in national level. The Lithuanian Mission Committee has appointed ADRA director J. Lamanauskaite, Youth director John Delapaz and Secretary-Treasurer of Lithuanian Mission B. Hibner to register ADRA center in Kaunas in national level. We would like to develop our ADRA work by working together with the state government.
Bertold Hibner,
Lithuanian Mission Field Secretary-Treasurer