KORINTA Church Planter Attends Conference On Contemporary Preaching
Riga, LATVIA. Aira Arina traveled to Willow Creek’s Chicago campus to attend the conference on communicating to contemporary people. Aira says, “I probably could not overrate the impact of this trip upon me and the whole ministry in KORINTA. I have brought back loads of materials and now almost every member in KORINTA is engaged in training.” Aira was invited to stay in the home of the Global Hosting Manager of Willow Creek — and this gave her opportunity to meet and eat with the teams and leaders as they coordinated the weekend worship services. Before the conference even started Aira attended every service possible to see how things worked for different age groups (kids, teenagers, 20 something and adults) gathering ideas for KORINTA.
Many planters and pastors at the conference (4,000 of them) shared ideas with Aira — but, were also excited that young people in Europe are planting churches for lost people. “I could mingle with people, share about my church and pick up many great ideas from what they are doing,” says Aira. And the ideas are impacting KORINTA. They have already launched into more training for small groups. “Once we will have finished the course, we plan to start 7 to 9 new small groups with no more than 4 church members in each,” reports Aira. “At the moment we have two small groups — but, these are packed and we have no place to involve more newcomers who have shown great interest in joining us!”
About Church Planting In The Baltic Countries
The Church Planters X-Change held in 2004 in Riga has resulted in specific plans for another 15 new church plants.
Peter Roennfeldt,
“Church Planting News Bulletin” 2004.11.07