New Strategies of Witnessing in Lithuania
Major changes have taken place in Lithuanian Mission Field. Because of the new laws issued by Lithuanian government, American pastor Kevin Page who several years helped Adventist church in Lithuania now has left country, and local Mission had to replace him with new Lithuanian pastor. As LMF President Daniel Ozhelis said: “This year we have moved seven pastors to new places, and it has put mark on our work. Pastors have to start living in new place, get acquainted with local people. We also changed our evangelism strategy from big campaigns to personal witnessing. It required teaching of church members to new ways of witnessing, because they came into church through big campaigns and all they know is this way of evangelism. So we had to spend time teaching personal witnessing methods. Therefore we have baptised only 41 people this year.”
With the help from the «Hands Across The World» offerings, Adventist church in Lithuania has bought new building in Kaunas which will become its new centre.
Guntis Bukalders,
Baltic Union Conference Communication Director