SEEDS conference in Baltic Union
International ‘SEEDS’ conference (September 25-26, 2015) on church planting and church health (NCD) was memorable vent in more than one way.
First of all, it was the first event of such kind in many years. Experience shows that church planting is really struggling in Baltic countries (and not only among Adventists) because it is still seen as additional to church life and not as one of the main mission of the church. Therefore, it was really encouraging to see all things come together in one major event in Riga, Latvia.
Secondly, more than two hundred participants (pastors, administrators and lay members) from all three Baltic countries showed that Holy Spirit is moving among our church members and they are boldly stepping out and are ready to take seriously Christ’s commission to go in to the whole world and make disciples of all the nations.
After the conference, Tom Evans (Associate Director at the North American Division Evangelism Institute and director for SEEDS) shared his excitement about the possibilities that lay ahead for Baltic countries and was thrilled to see so many young and old showing so much interest in the mission of Adventist church.
Jurgita Kregždaitė (Executive Secretay at Lithuanian Conference) and pastor Talivaldis Vilnis who in the previous years have attended similar conference in USA commended organizers for asembling highly competent team of presenters who have not only long record of working in various positions in our Adventist church but have hands on experience in evangelism and church planting.
The SEEDS conference was followed by two day couching training for pastors, administrators, bible workers and actively involved lay members.
Let us hope and pray that SEEDS conference has created a good momentum that will be picked up by all of our three conferences within our Baltic Union and be used in creating a lasting church planting movement.