Women’s Ministry Conference in Slovenia in September 2014
It made history – the first TED Women’s Ministry Conference in Slovenia. Thanks to the relentless efforts from the side of the TED WM leader Clair Sanches-Schutte and her ability to inspire and kindle all local leaders, and thanks to God’s mercy and guidance, the event indeed took place, and was a success. There were over 200 participants from very many countries and nationalities, speaking many different languages, who gathered into the main hall of the conference on Wednesday evening, 24 September. Together we communicated in one unversal language, which is love. When we did not know the words, a smile and body language did the work, but we were also blessed by the hard-working translators, who did their best to help everybody to comprehend what was said from the pulpit.
The theme of the conference was: Come to the Spring. In busy everyday lives as mohers, working women, spouses, we sometimes find it hard to make time for rest and make time for God. During the conference we were encouraged to leave everything behind for this time, and come closer to God, to feel refreshed, motivated and renewed by His Word and by prayer. The main speakers were Raquel Arrais from GC and Debby Mayer from Australia. They both used their own experiences as examples, winning the hearts of listeners. Debby presented lessons from flowers and trees. Raquel’s explanation of the meaning of the last supper in the life of every believer, made us surrender to God and let Him work in our lives and through us in the lives of others.
Actually, every particiapant could do something. Everybody could attend several different kinds of workshops lead by gifted women from various parts of Europe. The topics of workshops ranged from different crafts to women’s leadership issues; and from the mini-spa to choir. All the more, every day different ladies could work as helpers, or hostesses (as they were named) greeting visitors at the door, ushering people in, ready to solve all possible problems.
The fact that the women did not want to be only receivers but also givers, is illustrated by the fact that they raised 3336 euros and 221 pounds to help two local children, one of whom suffers from a debilitating illness and could use money for much-needed medicine, while the other is a young boy with an extraordinary musical talant and could use money to develop his gift further.
It was a special time of rest, sharing, communicating with others and God; time to be refreshed and motivated. White stones at the fountain had the names of every participant. Leaving for home, all of us took one or more of these stones, to remember in prayer the person whose name was on it. We’ll keep praying for each other, until we meet in heaven.